Hello Everyone!  Today, it is a distinct  honor and privilege to introduce all of you to a dear friend of mine,  Author, Nonnie Jules.  Nonnie, is not only a talented writer, she is also the Founder and President of RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB!  Take it away, Nonnie…   

Hi and welcome to Day 6 of my SHATTERED DAYDREAMS Blog Tour!

Before I get started, let me give you a little background on me first.  My most important job is being a Mom!  It is the hardest and yet the most rewarding job one could ever hope to have.  (Men, so sorry you will never get to experience what I’m talking about).  After having produced two of the most special daughters in all the land, I knew that I would somehow become an advisor to other parents, so becoming an author of Parenting Guides, was almost a given.  That was my niche but I also wanted to tell another kind of story.  It was still going to be about children, but it would have a darker side to it, while still conveying a message that I wanted to bring attention to.

In November, 2013, I published my debut novel “DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND.”  Now, I know most of the novels you probably read are romance and fantasy, light, airy tales, but this one was going to take you to a place that some of you had never been, and unfortunately, some of you have.  This story was going to pull you down before it brought you up.  It intentionally was meant to make you cry before it made you smile.

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We all have a purpose here on earth, even child molesters, murderers and the other monsters who offer nothing but horrid havoc to our society.  And although I don’t know for sure WHAT their purpose could possibly be, it is my belief  that GOD makes no mistakes, so in my mind, they are here to teach us lessons…to keep us on our toes, to remind us to be more mindful of our children and loved ones.

The mother in DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND, missed the mark on all of the above counts.  She was truly one sad excuse for a parent.  Actually, I count her among those monsters mentioned, and from this point on, you have my permission to refer to her as anything other than a MOTHER.

Today, I’d like all the focus to be on the book trailer for DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND.  If you haven’t seen it before, please, take a look and take in the message that’s being conveyed.  Let it resonate with you so that you are moved to join my crusade to stop the abuse of our children.  If you have seen it before, please take the time to click the link, share your comments and LIKE it before you leave.  Whatever you do, you’re already so appreciated just for stopping by.

I thank you so much for having me today.  I ask that you follow each leg of my tour (click HERE for the line-up) as each day I will offer a bit more insight into the lives of children who are abused, as well as the mothers who sit back and allow it to happen, or are the culprits themselves.  I will also share excerpts from the book for your reading pleasure.  Ladies and Gents, this week, you’re invited to partake of SHATTERED DAYDREAMS, as shared through the eyes of my main character, Maiya James.

If the EXCERPT above peeked your curiosity for more, please pick up your very own copy of “DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND.”  The content inside is enough to put you on the right track if you even remotely resemble (God forbid), this kind of mother.  But if you’re just in the mood for a really good read, I guarantee, you won’t go wrong with this one!

From this day forward, let’s do our best to ensure that all the Maiya’s of the world are taken care of, loved and protected.  Dani, I love you for always welcoming me to your blog!  I can’t visit here often enough but that’s only because you always make me feel so welcome.  Guests, please share your comments below.



Nonnie Jules is the mother of two beautifully kind daughters, who along with the help of her husband, have turned out to be two of the greatest assets to this world.  THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS is her first published piece of work and two weeks after publication, it hit Amazon’s Top 100 list, where it reached the #7 mark.  With all the violence which is being exhibited by some children today, it is her vision and goal to get THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE…into the hands of everyone who breathes around a child.  She feels the only way we can make this happen, is if we are all working from a common blueprint.  Ms. Jules strongly believes that every opportunity we are given with a child, should be a teaching one for us and a learning one for them.

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So far, Nonnie has authored two other books:  a novel which she released in November of 2013, entitled “DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND” and “SUGARCOATIN’ IS FOR CANDY & PACIFYIN’ IS FOR KIDS!” where she shares her no-holds-barred style of teaching us all about support and social media.  Her second parenting guide {THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE TO BULLY-PROOF KIDS} is due for release the beginning of January, 2015 and the sequel to her debut novel, DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, shortly after.  (Both have been delayed due to her extensive workload with Rave Reviews Book Club).

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She is a fan of the well-written word, and so along with 3 partners, she started 4WillsPublishing Co. in November, 2013 to assist other writers in putting out their best work ever.  By December, 2013, she had founded the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB where in less than a year, the membership has rapidly grown to well over 500.  If you’re not a member yet, this is your personal invitation to JOIN US!

As you can see, she is an Author on the move and if you’re interested in keeping up with her, here is her contact info:

Twitter:  @nonniejules

Facebook:  Nonnie Jules, Author




Danica Cornell is the PR/Marketing Director for Rave Reviews Book Club who’s busily penning the forthcoming DARK STAR Sci-fi/Fantasy Series, soon to be published by Cool Geek Books.  To learn more, please visit Danica’s website at









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Danica Cornell is a proud member of Rave Reviews Book Club.

21 thoughts on “Guest Post: SHATTERED DAYDREAMS Blog Tour

  1. A great trailer for a gripping book. Best of luck, Nonnie! 🙂
    Dani, thanks so much for hosting Nonie on your lovely blog today 🙂

  2. Dani, thank you so much for happy! It is beautiful here (but oh, I tell everyone that about their blog!!!)…LOL (it’s an inside joke, guys). Everyone, enjoy and thanks for stopping by showing your support.

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